Go Red For Women International
In 2004 the AHA faced a challenge – cardiovascular diseases claimed the lives of too many women each year in the United States, yet women were not paying attention. To raise awareness of heart disease and stroke as one of the leading killers of women, the AHA created Go Red For Women, a passionate, emotional, social initiatives designed to empower women to take charge of their own heart heath.
Now, Go Red For Women has moved well beyond the U.S. borders. Women around the world are uniting against heart disease, sharing their stories to raise awareness of this Number 1 killer, and educating family and friends about the signs and symptoms, risk factors and action to protect women’s hearts.
Now in more than 50 countries, Go Red For Women is a global phenomenon. From Go Red fashion shows, luncheons and campaigns, this campaign helps women improve their health and the health of their families.
To learn your risk for heart disease, the symptoms unique to women and the steps to live a healthier life, go to Go Red For Women.
To begin a Go Red For Women program outside the United States, please email help@heart.org.